Make a meaningful gift!

Make a meaningful gift!

Happy events such as birthdays, company parties or anniversaries are a good opportunity to set an important example for nature and wildlife. For example, by appealing for a donation instead of gifts.

More information (in German only)

On the trail of polecats, otters and beavers (Offer in German only)

On the trail of polecats, otters and beavers (Offer in German only)

Whether as a family, with friends or as a team outing – the new tour offers interested groups an exciting insight into the life of three native mammals along the Sihl.

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«Wisent & Co. –  the landscape gardeners»

«Wisent & Co. – the landscape gardeners»

The new exhibition in the Elk House in Langenberg West provides an insight into the life of Switzerland's large herbivores. Entry is free and accessible all year round during the opening hours of Langenberg West.

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Exciting animal stories and secret discoveries in the natural forest:

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Experience, enjoy and understand nature

At the gates of the cities of Zurich and Zug.

The Zurich Wilderness Park offers unique experiences in nature at two locations: the Langenberg Animal Park in Langnau am Albis invites visitors to meet native animals. The Sihlwald Nature Adventure Park offers a unique combination of forest, wilderness and river landscape. The Sihlwald hamlet is home to the visitor center with a nature museum, playground and fire pits.

Upcoming events (German only)

Tag der offenen Tür

26.05.2024 09:00
Besuchen Sie uns am Tag der offenen Tür der Naturzentren im Besucherzentrum und Naturmuseum in Sihlwald.


01.06.2024 14:00
Von Mai bis September findet immer am ersten Samstag des Monats ein Erlebnis-Nachmittag statt.

Ausgebucht - Neophyten-Aktionstage

05.06.2024 08:45
Suchen Sie einen abwechslungsreichen und sinnvollen Arbeitseinsatz? Bereits zum neunten Mal streifen wir während unseres jährlichen Grosseinsatzes durchs Sihltal und bekämpfen invasive Fremdpflanzen.

Discover it for yourself

Sihlwald–Langenberg, Uferweg

Auf dem Sihluferweg vom Besucherzentrum zum Wildpark Langenberg.

Exhibition «WaldWildnisWir»

Nature conservation and the visitor experience are closely intertwined in the Nature Discovery Park Sihlwald. This unique combination enables our visitors to truly experience the forest wilderness.

Aussichtspunkt Schweikhof

Blick über Sihlbrugg bis zum Zugerberg.

The world of mice

This house accomodates mice, rats and dormice compounds. These areas come together with the visitors' rooms so as to create a unique experience. The house is part of Langenberg Wildlife Park.

Langenberg–Sihlwald round trip

A pleasant e-bike circuit from Langnau-Gattikon to the wildlife park and through the Sihlwald nature forest to Sihlbrugg. Then along the River Sihl back to the starting point.

Schnabelburg ruins

Schnabelburg was given to the town of Zurich by the Hapsburgs, who had remained neutral during a hostile retaliation campaign. Today only the foundation walls are visible.

Langnau am Albis – Langrainhütte – Langnau am Albis

Diese abwechslungsreiche Rundwanderung von Langnau am Albis in den Naturwald Sihlwald und wieder zurück verspricht eine tolle Aussicht in die Ferne sowie einen spannenden Einblick in die Waldwildnis.

Forest Nature Trail

On the Forest Nature Trail you get to learn the secrets of the forest, and in a creative and imaginative way you come into contact from head to toe with the Sihlwald.


Der erste Teil dieser Wanderung bietet viel Weitsicht und tolle Ausblicke über den Sihlwald. Im zweiten Teil tauchen Sie dann direkt ein in die Wildnis des ersten Naturerlebnisparks der Schweiz.